Instagram Could Get Real Time Spotify Integration

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According to mobile developer Alessandro Paluzzi, Instagram might soon improve its music features with real-time Spotify integration. Paluzzi discovered proof in Instagram’s code suggesting a new feature that could automatically show Spotify activity on user profiles. This Instagram Spotify Integration is a unique step. 

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This likely update would show Notes on users’ profiles based on their Spotify listening history. These Notes, visible at the top of a user’s inbox and profile picture, would give visitors a snapshot of the user’s current music tastes.

While Instagram Features has not officially confirmed this feature yet, Paluzzi’s findings hint at a closer relationship between Instagram and Spotify. This idea of real-time music sharing is familiar; Discord already offers the same feature. Instagram users can now share Spotify tracks manually on Stories or in Notes, so extending this functionality makes sense.

However, Instagram’s shorter browsing sessions compared to Discord’s more extended usage might impact how well this feature is received. As of now, the feature is only spotted in Instagram’s code, so it may take some time before it becomes available to users.

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Syed Sadat Hussain Shah

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