international day of peace in pakistan 2023; al sadat marketing

International Day of Peace 21 September | 21 September 2022

On September 21, people all over the world mark the International Day of Peace. This day has been designated by the UN General Assembly as a time to enhance the values of peace by engaging in a 24-hour period of nonviolence and a cease-fire.

But more than just putting down weapons is required to achieve lasting peace. Building societies where everyone feels they can thrive is necessary. It entails establishing a society where everyone is treated fairly, regardless of race.

International Day of Peace 2022 Theme 

We have observed racial discrimination at borders as wars continue to flare around the world and force people to flee. We have observed that some racial groups have been struck considerably harder than others as COVID-19 continues to strike our neighborhoods. As economies struggle, racial minorities have been the target of hate speech and acts of violence.

In order to promote peace, each of us must play a part. And one important way to participate is to combat racism.

We may fight to undermine the institutionalised racism in our society. All across the world, we may help movements for equality and human rights. We have the power to condemn hate speech, both online and off. Education and restitution for past wrongs are two ways we may advance anti-racism.

Racism, xenophobia, and other forms of prejudice and intolerance occur in all civilizations. Racism has a negative impact on society as a whole as well as the lives of those who experience it. In a culture that is marked by prejudice, division, mistrust, intolerance, and hatred, everyone loses. The struggle against racism is a universal one. To create a world free of racism, we are all responsible.

“End racism. Build peace” is the theme for the International Day of Peace in 2022. We cordially encourage you to join the UN in its efforts to eradicate racism and racial prejudice from the world. a society where empathy and compassion prevail over prejudice and hostility. a world in which we may actually take pride.

History of International Day of Peace 

The United Nations General Assembly initiated the International Day of Peace on September 21, 1981.The first day of the General Assembly’s yearly sessions fell on this day. Strengthening the values of world peace was, and still is, the day’s principal goal.

 The aim of this day is to “give an internationally recognized day for all of mankind to pledge to peace above all other considerations and to help create a culture of peace.”

In 2001, the assembly changed the date to be observed on September 21 every year, 20 years after establishing this day of observation. Thus, starting in 2002, September 21 is observed as both a day for reflection on how to advance and uphold peace among all peoples and a 24-hour period of worldwide nonviolence for armed groups engaged in active hostilities.

The theme varies for every event. Taking the years 2020 and 2021 as examples, the themes respectively were “Shaping Peace Together” and “Recovering Better for an Equitable and Sustainable World.”

The theme of the 2022 International Day of Peace is “End Racism. Build Peace.” According to the United Nations, this day is devoted to advancing the values of peace through a nonviolent 24-hour cease-fire. The UN also seeks to address violence and hate speech against racial minorities. They want to use education to spread an anti-racism message and speak out against hate speech.

The Importance of International Day of Peace 

Peace is the absence of disturbances; it is a state of tranquillity during which nothing or no one can disturb you. Understanding one another and cooperating to solve issues are necessary for peace.

There is hope for peace. Most societies have experienced periods of calm throughout history. Compared to our parents or grandparents, we are significantly less likely to die in a battle today. Governments are prohibited from using force against others unless they are defending themselves or have received permission from the UN Security Council since the United Nations was founded and the UN Charter was written.

Life is better in a peaceful world, and today, we look to those who have worked to maintain that peace to learn what we can all do individually to contribute to world peace.

The purpose of the International Day of Peace is to create the conditions that allow for the development of peaceful solutions because any other method of resolving complex problems results in pain and suffering. Respect and compassion are necessary for peace on both a global and personal level.

What to Do on International Day of Peace? 

  • By turning off lights and appliances, you may reduce waste, recycle, and reuse materials while saving energy. These easy deeds will benefit the planet.
  • Read books, watch documentaries, and perform historical research to learn about peace and the causes of conflicts around the world.
  • Be considerate of other people’s circumstances, be polite to them, and spread knowledge that will make the world a better place.
  • Make a donation to a peace charity or organise a fundraiser.

Events of The Day 

The United Nations General Assembly established the International Day of Peace to raise the bar for peace. The entire day is devoted to upholding a 24-hour cease-fire and practising non-violence.

Promoting harmony and tolerance for acceptance across gender, ethnicity, and borders is more crucial than ever. Around the world, people take part in activities and organise events that are focused on a yearly theme. Activities range from intimate gatherings to public ceremonies, festivals, and concerts that draw sizable crowds and spread the message of peace.

In order to prevent mistakes from being made again, educational institutions also take the lead in organising art exhibitions and lessons for students to debate how various cultures celebrate peace and to educate them about past conflicts and wars. People engage in individual acts of kindness, such as planting trees or releasing trapped animals, because every tiny deed contributes to the message of peace and love.

Ways to Celebrate International Day of Peace 

Observe The Global “Minute of Silence”

The Minute of Silence was first used in 1984 by the non-governmental organisation (NGO) Pathways to Peace. This period of stillness at noon in each time zone generates a “Peace Wave” around the globe. Participants in this cooperative and useful act of promoting peace are individuals, groups, communities, and countries.

Raise Awareness About The Importance of Peace 

Start building peace in your home with your family. Teach your kids important peace-promoting ideas including dispute resolution, peaceful communication, consensus-building, and the decision to use non-violence.

Host A Global Peace Feast for Friends and Family 

A “global” potluck can bring people together by asking your friends and neighbours to serve a distinctive dish from different cultures. One of the oldest and most powerful strategies to promote harmony in your life is to share a meal together.


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