Work on South Punjab Secretariat Building Expected Next Month

Next month, construction on the South Punjab permanent secretariat facility will begin in Bahawalpur.
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According to South Punjab Additional Chief Secretary retired Cap Saqib Zafar, Prime Minister Imran Khan may be the chief guest at the event for laying the foundation stone, as he committed to do so when laying the foundation stone for the Multan secretariat in April of last year.
Regarding the operation of the South Punjab secretariat, he stated that the Punjab government had not yet approved the business regulations for this purpose, but that permission was imminent. However, he stated that the secretaries of seven government departments in South Punjab were actively performing their duties.
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Prior to that, two South Punjab secretaries, Mian Aftab Peerzada of livestock and Shoaib Iqbal of Planning and Development (P&D), met with the ACS to discuss uplift projects and other official concerns.
Pirzada informed the ACS about the ongoing anti-foot-and-mouth (F&M) disease campaign in Cholistan.
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